Payment solutions for
your business

On the market of Kazakhstan since 2009
Accept payments online safely and securely with integration
Internet acquiring, P2P transfers and solutions for financial institutions
Our advantages
Internet acquiring for any stores and services
Connection in 1 day, standard API and custom integration
Get personalized conditions for Internet acquiring from
Connect online payments to your website,
to the application and accept payment by cards of any bank, as well as in one click, with the help of ready modules for CMS, mobile SDK or at the link
Payment page
Secure and flexibly customizable payment form
Payment methods
Payments in different currencies and in multiple countries
Direct access to payment gateway with full functionality
Convenient tools for analyzing and managing payment transactions
Custom API
Individual integration
Customer feedback
CNP Processing GmbH was established in 2009 to carry out Internet acquiring business in Kazakhstan under the brand name.
Saparbayev N.M.
Product Owner, Beeline
Cooperation with CNP Processing in the field of Internet acquiring has brought significant results to our company. Their service allowed us to efficiently process payments by providing a reliable platform. The CNP Processing team demonstrated high professionalism and efficiency in providing technical support. They responded flexibly to our needs, ensuring stable operation of the system. We confidently recommend CNP Processing as a reliable partner for Internet acquiring services.
Raikhanova K.G.
Deputy Chairman of the Board, KMF
We have been working with CNP Processing for over 5 years and we are impressed with the level of service they provide. Their Internet acquiring system has helped us significantly improve the process of issuing and repaying microloans in our company. The CNP Processing team quickly responds to any questions and solves problems that arise, ensuring stable and reliable operation of the system. We appreciate the efficiency and innovative approach of CNP Processing to the development of financial services . We recommend it as a reliable partner for those who seek to improve the quality of their financial services.
Frequently Asked Questions payment page complies with all requirements of international payment systems Visa and MasterCard. We are PCI DSS certified and undergo quarterly audits. uses 3-D Secure protocol, all payment pages support SSL encryption.
You can apply for support
Internet acquiring for any stores and services
Connection from 1 day, standard API and custom integration